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Nutrition Coaching with Judy Butler

Certified Clinical Nutritionist


Let's Nourish Your Life

This time let’s skip the detoxes, gut protocols, and weight loss trends and instead get back to our roots of FOOD and NOURISHMENT. Mute the diet culture and turn within your true power to heal with food and nature. It is time to re-align priorities and surrender to the simple fact that there are no short cuts when it comes to true health. It all leads back to the kitchen and managing your stress response.

As a certified clinical nutritionist, I offer online nutrition coaching, teaching you HOW to nourish your body with whole foods, educate you about the importance of mineral rich foods, learn how to cook simple yet satisfying meals for you and your family without the feeling of overwhelm, and simplify your health routine. Ladies it is not about perfection. It’s about progress and making it a lifestyle.

Life changing! Judy has opened my mind to the importance of what we put into our body is just as important as what we put into our brain with her nutrition coaching. She has changed my life path, I have been with her over a year and my nutrition coach and I am changed mentally physically and emotionally. I have lost a significant amount of weight and gained vast new knowledge for a better future life. Trust her, she knows her stuff!
— Karen A.

Work With Me


Signature Package
3-month private sessions

Premium Package
5-month private sessions

Clinical Lab Review
a la carte or add-on


15 minute clarity call

To get a clear understanding of your lifestyle and needs I’d love to talk to you one-on-one. By learning a little more about you, I’ll be able to confidently recommend a custom nutrition coaching package to help you get started on your health & wellness journey.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation and we’ll briefly discuss your current concerns and health history. I’d provide a snapshot of how we would approach your objectives and discuss next plan of action.


Certified Clinical Nutritionist

Over the past 10 years I’ve worked alongside Medical Doctors, Physician Assistants, Doctors of Osteopathy, Chiropractors, and Homeopath physicians. I’ve gained insightful clinical experience with real patients like yourself, access to extensive cutting-edge knowledge in integrative lab work, researched and applied nutraceutical supplementation and lifestyle nutrition within clinical settings.

I am deeply committed to supporting women on their journey towards holistic wellness and healing their dis-ease through mineral rich foods and stress management. With understanding the common challenges we face in today’s fast paced and toxic world, I offer alternative and ancestral healing methods through nutrition, lifestyle and environmental changes, and play.




Let’s learn how to get back to the basics and cook from scratch. I love sharing my personal favorites that I use in my own kitchen, along with tools and resources. You’ll find basic tips and techniques to make this type of lifestyle come as second nature, where time is no longer an issue, and the results are showing.

It might seem overbearing at first, but as time goes on your skills wills improve. As will your health.

Now lets get cookin!


End Endless Dieting

Our hormones are screaming chaos thanks to the diet culture that is driving us further away from eating whole foods and second-guess nature and the abundance it provides. Most approaches to healthy eating dwell on calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, while completely ignoring the toxic derivatives of food ingredients that line our grocery aisles.

Polyunsaturated (omega 6) fatty acids, high fructose corn syrup, artificial fillers, preservatives, food dyes, and genetically modified foods that are heavily sprayed with glyphosate have substantial evidentiary support proving how they fuel inflammation and overall disease.

I will teach you the HOW and the WHY it matters to learn how to navigate the food system and truly NOURISH you and your family.

Would you like an early start? Check out my recipe for 7 Healthy Breakfast Egg Muffins

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